Seasonal booklists recommended by Reach Out and Read.

Seasonal booklists recommended by Reach Out and Read.
Annual report for Georgia branch of Reach Out and Read.
Created graphic identity for NYC chapter of Reach Out and Read to promote their annual gala. Materials included event invitations, sponsorship packets, program book, and a variety of graphic elements for the event including table tents, signage, slideshow imagery, and more.
Monthly news brief for The Arthritis Foundation published in print and digital formats.
Designed 64-page Game Day Program for Boston Red Sox, a client since 1993.
Created unique 75th anniversary gala materials for Providence chapter of The Arthritis Foundation.
Created unique graphic to promote 75th Anniversary of the Arthritis Foundation gala materials for the Boston chapter. Event included print and digital invitations, sponsorship packages, program, and event graphics.
Created unique graphic approach for NYC Arthritis Foundation Gala, including event invitation, program book, slideshow presentation, and social media.
Marketing images for 8 season productions displayed as season brochures and posters, rack cards, social media posts, and individual show posters.
Semi-annual fundraising campaign that includes print, social media, and campus graphics to spread news of time-restricted giving period. The 2023 campaign included a puzzle theme with regular social media and email updates, and a giving “thermometer” featuring Fenn’s “F” logo built with puzzle pieces to show progress as donations came […]
Print and social media graphic for alumni fundraising event.
Report of giving for boys private school in Concord, MA.
Social media and print graphic for fundraising event.
Print annual report for non-profit service dog breeding/training organization.
Series of marketing graphics created to promote new pickleball card game. Designed game box, instruction sheet, cards, tokens, and various marketing collateral including sell sheet, flyer, banners and more.
Annual report for service dog breeding and training organization.
Program cover and theme graphic for CT Youth Services Bureau annual summit meeting.
Selection of pages from the annual report of giving promoting community involvement and historical impact on the region.
Sample of production artwork from the 2021-22 season including Into the Woods, Marie Antoinette, Next to Normal, and The Late Wedding.
Cover design for annual membership directory.